Samstag, 14. Oktober 2017


ENGLEZĂ Cornelia Păun Heinzel:  

“Rich teenager, poor teenager” translation in english Andrei Albus

-Wait to see what happened in Greece, with the girls, in the religious educational program, said a teacher with verve. We had to look for them in the beds of foreign tourists from other hotels. There was very happy to find free women, more expert than the prostitutes, at all youngsters. They were only daughters of rich men, with much money. But the boys from the class which I am class master at; boys from modest families, when I struggled so much for to obtain free of charge camps to the seaside, waren’t too happy. They came back slim and angry.  They didn’t eat almost anything.
- But what could they give them to eat there, because your perents don’t have money possibilities, they’re a bit pour . They don’t work , so they live from social help , said a girl astonished. In the last years, all the teenagers that went in our camps came back happy. They were satisfied with the program.
- Băieţii spun că le-au dat la masă carne de porc, friptură, pilaf, pireu...  Dar lor nu le-a plăcut nimic, spuse profesoara. Poate preparatele nu erau bine gătite. N-ar fi trebuit totuşi, să fie pretenţioşi, în mod normal.
Clementin and his class-maters  arrived in the morning at the camp which at the romanian seaside. The organizers carefully had prepared us breakfest: milk, cereals, Prague ham, Sibiu salami, cheese, bread and butter.
„What is this? I’ve never ate such things in my life. And I can’t eat food which I’m not used to. At home, I eat fried potatoes and vegetable soups. And at school, I eat snacks like bac rolls.
His class-maters listened to him with trust, confidence. They were in the same situation. And so, they did the exactly same thing as their leader, Clementin. Now of them touched the food.
„Let’s see what they’re gonns give us for lunch said the nervous, angry teenager.
"Now, we are gonno-going go to the beach, yo can tan and swin-swimming in the sea," said explains courtesy the Association's instructor, which had to the program with the kids in care.
In ten minutes, they all reached-arrived the great shore of the Black Sea, on the wonderful Black Sea. The hotel was very close to it.
- I won’t sty on the beach. Why , so well cam fry - frying in the sunlight ? What are we, hamburger or sausages? said Clementin angrily. And… This is the sea? That dirty! And full of naughty grasses=nauseans weed and weird – wird creatures! There’s an awful smell in the air! I won’t enter that water at all ! Friends, it would be better to return to our hotel rooms and play on the computer or on the mobile phone.
And all the boys immediately left nervous, angry to the hotel. They started walking tourrds the hotel.

- Don’t forget to come and eat your lunch! We shall be waiting for you in the restaurant of the hotel ! “ said the one responsible-manager for the group, with a gentile = said in a loud voice.
The teens entered Clementin's room and cheerfully chatted on the mobile, the favorite games. The hours passed so fast that they did not even realize it. Suddenly, one of them said in a gruff voice:
- Brothers ! Are we no longer eating ? It's like lunch time. One of them, I was hungry. Especially since I did not swear anything in the morning.
"You're right," Clementin said. We're going to the table. Let's see what he's going to give us now! That I, one, I do not like what I cook and what I serve here.

The dining room was arranged for the new guests, with white, clean-faced faces, and fragrant natural flowers in brightly colored glass pots.
- Come on, boys! I do not like the smell of these mimes! the boy said. I throw them out of here! I hurt! and moves the flowers on the free tables, away from its table. His colleagues urgently carried out the same maneuvers.

Clementine was just their leader and was right in everything he did.
At lunch, the first dish was meatball soup. Steam was floating out of the bowls . But not for Clementin..   Making faces, the teenager, shaked his green croaking, through the liquid in the bowl and said angrily,
- What is this ? Rice bulls with meat and pork ! I have ‘t now this before, in my life! I can not eat what I haven ‘t …..! I wen ‘t even put then thing im my mouth!
The second meal-kind was tasty pork steak with rice and red cabbage salad.
- What is this rice? I do’t like it ! What, are we Chinese? And liked the pork steak  I won ……this,  said Clementin.
"Maybe you like the alive," said the group's leader, while the waiters coming with desert plates to the customers’=clients' tables.
Clementin caught the plate with the  ……and …it  for a long time, and then marking faces while putting his finger into the sweet contening , sticky , balancing it a few times, and…

- I know exactly what it's good for ! he said with an ironic grin=smile, while throwing the alvit  Marcel’s face who was in front of him an the other side of the table. The teenager got angry at first, especially because the boys started to laugh loudly, and then he repeated the move on the boy standing on his right. In a few seconds, the group started an alvit  throwing light, just like in the of a TV show. They, of course , got into the hotel rooms hungry , because they dich not it  anything.  
In the evening, by dinner time, Clementin said to his friends:
- We shal not even go to eat the rubbish they give us anymore.

I‘ve discovered looking outside the window a little shop. We get money from all the boys and we go get what us usually, eat snacks, chocolats, biscuits and bake rolls ...
They howerver , get to walk only a bit outside of the hotel and the pasnic caight him and got him to the man responsible with the group which said with panic.
You cannot get out of this building alone and you cannot eat anything else. I am responsable for you safety and for your health while you’re here. If anything happenes to you  , if you eat something that’s alterated , I’am responsible.

Clementin comes back dissatisfied, grumbling in the room, and continues the games started on the mobile.
In the evenings, they als being organized music and dance for the teens in the camp.

 Clementin came with his group. He rotated the look resercher.

The teens were dancing with pleasure, încântaţi by exciting rhythms.
Slim girls with doll faces were waiting excited to be danced. One of them, delicate, with blonde hair and blue-eyed, like the sea,  immediately cast a glance at Clementin, who looks more attractive, with his contemptuous air superior compared to the other teenagers.
- What’s with these girls ? They’re not like the other girls we see on the Internet. I’m not  dancing with them ! And, actually, in fact, I don’t even know ! Come on , guys ! let’s go ! What, this is music? Isn’t at  all like the one we’re listening to yand  the ones from our games. They would’be better put us manele said the teen !

  Şi băieţii se întoarseră în camere, să se joace. Timp de cinci zile, cât a fost tabăra, grupul lui Clementin nu mai ieşi din camere. Toţi băieţii au manevrat continuu jocuri pe computer, în timp ce ronţăiau pe ascuns, câțiva pufuleţi, snacks-uri şi bake rolls-uri. Pentru că, plin de idei, Clementin reuși o dată, să facă rost de câteva pungi. O rugă pe cameristă, cu voce plângăcioasă, întinzându-i banii strânşi de la amici:
- Tanti, murim de foame ! Cumpăraţi-ne, vă rugăm, nişte pufuleţi şi snacks-uri sau bake rolls-uri  de la un chioşc!Nu putem mânca altceva!
Pe peronul gării, la sosire, îi aşteptau mamele sau bunicile - deoarece doi dintre elevii grupului, fiind orfani, erau crescuţi de acestea - bucuroase că veneau de la mare dragii lor copii, fiind cazaţi la hotel de lux, gratuit, unde ele nu aveau nicio sansă să-i ducă vreodată, neavând posibilităţi financiare. De aceea le obţinuseră bilete gratuite în tabără.
Adolescenţii apărură slabi, iritaţi, nervoşi, cu feţele pământii.
- V-a plăcut marea? întrebă curioasă una din ele. Iar un băiat răspunse:
-Deloc ! Marea puteeee ! Şi suntem lihniţi ! Era să murim de foame !
Femeile şi-au îmbrăţişat cu dragoste odraslele mult iubite.
Iar Clementin ţipă de răsună tot peronul :
- Mamă, când ajungem acasă, îmi faci cinci şarje de cartofi prăjiţi ! Şi cumpărăm şi nişte snacks-uri şi bake rolls-uri  ! Ca la mama acasă !
- Ei, cum a fost băieţi ? îi întrebă și diriginta. M-am agitat atât de mult să vă obţin locuri gratuite... sper că aţi mâncat şi v-aţi distrat bine...
- Nu, doamna. Nu ştiam că-i aşa de rău, în tabără la mare. Nu mai merg niciodată în viaţa mea ! Am slăbit zece kile ! Era să murim de foame! răspunse Clementin şi povesti tuturor necazurile avute în vacanţă.

In Greece, the group arrived at night=in the evening at the place where they get the room, in the Motel that station.

The co-ordinator of the educational program met them with hospitality.
- I get the best rooms for you. They have sea view view said the woman, knowing that teenagers were the Kids of some important people.
First, they=the young people went into they hotel rooms, then they went in the restaurant, to have lunch.

They finished lunch= eating and they went back=retired. Suddenly, the quietness of the hotel=the hotel's silence was interrupted=pierced by the sound of a broken glass, by screams and by dancing music, to the fullest. The teenagers started the party. No tourist in the hotel will not sleep. They were all participating withaut they Knouing at the teenagers’ fun. The walls of the building were vibrating because of the rhythms, that the teenagers liked , because of the sound of strident laughter and wild screeming. The norty went an until the morning. At the breakfast, no student appeared.

They ware all sleeping, without any chance of wake un before lunch.
Adela, the teacher, was happy that in the group that she was responsible of, were only boys, so she hed less care. Her happiness, ended shortly.

Marcel, one of the teenagers, a depressive winds was lamenting all the time, wo matter wher happening or was seen around him.

Matthew, his colleague, got a his fever. They put a thermometer and ... stupor!
He had forty degrees! It had to bring in a doctor !
Adela was happy that in she had the chance to visit some remarkable monuments from Greece. But the boys from the group weren’t excited about the idea.

- Teacher, we want to remain=stay in the rooms. They back out the sophisticated laptops and begon to handle them with dexterity.
"But we are at seaside. Don’t you us want to tan, to stoy en the sand, to go in the water in the Aegean Sea? asked the teacher.
- We can go later, in the hotel's pool. Our girls said that we will be theire  all day, said the teenagers.
- The girls? They don’t want an the beach too ? the woman was surprised.
- No, teacher. They were at the solar and… already perfectly tanned, said one of the boys.

Adela had to remain in the hotel, because she had to watch of her the students. The teenagers spent large sums money, satisfying all their desires, buying souvenirs.
The food at the hotel was delicious, but they have completed it with sweets and sodas. They also had alcoholic drinks, but the boss=chief program took them from the start and stopped them at the reception, and promised them that he will give them back when they will leave.
The evening came hard. Adela was bored watching, after the teenagers=young mens. She was sending messages on Facebook, contacting almost all of her family...
Suddenly, she began to hear powerful Knaks an the door.
- The girls ! The girls disappeared ! said yje boss of the program.
- But I don’t have any girls with are. The other teachers are with them, said Adela, careless.
-Yes, but they locked themselves in their rooms and they're not answering, said  the organizer -replied.
- And where do we find them? asked.the teacher. We don’t have any a chance to find them. The hotel is very large, the resort is stretched. And we’re not detectives.
- We make some phones calls to the people our acquaintances  and we Know and will friend them. The’re in danger !
I know what you can do! If one is killed, it is serious, there is an international scandal ! said the woman worried woman.

But this is an unusual situation. The employees of the hotel surely recognize them, they are different and we will know where they are.
The program coordinator called the reception of the neaby hotels and transmitted without knowing, if one of the girls in the new group went into a room, with the foreign tourists.
After a short time, the phone rang.

The woman quick’y said hurriedly to Adela:
- We’re going to the hotel in the middle of the town. They’re found there one of the girls. In front of the building was a taxi that started at they in order to the place that they were looking for.        
                        -Go to the seventh floor, room 723, where an Arab tourist was, the hotel's receptionist said. You will be accompanied by our director.
The women get there and the man opened the door of the room hotels with a magnetic card and ... in front of then appeared a slim, blond, beautiful girl.

The manager of the hotel politely apologized and explained the situation. The girls reuned,  coming with the school into a educational program and they were not over years old. If  they told heren   whe…  was the girl’s father we can’t imagine u hot was the reaction of the man.

- Why don’t you let me have ………. Fun ! I wan’t have any ocasion  like they in a while, said the girl, after they drove her to the hotel.
The phone rings again.

-They’re got the other girl in a beach hotel with a black man, said the coordinator of the programme. We need to get there as soon as posible!

When they opened the door of the room, the manager, accompanied by the women, saw a drunk black,….  with a superb, beautiful brunette also trunk,…in the same condition.
With they was much easier. than yhe other case. Both of themwere laughing, as if something funny happened. The girl was driven quickly to the hotel in her room. And the black guy fell a slept
The other girls were found one by one. In the morning they were king their apperence when the teachers saw that they have completed the mission. They were tired but happy at the same time with what they have done.

The bodyguards of the hotel got severe instructions, to strictly guarding the girls, who come with an the religious education program. He let the girls party for all the nights.

The walls of the hotel were vibrating because of the music for for five nights and days in Greece, music, fun and joy, exactly how long the programme lasted in Greece. The cute guys were thinking to un sunrise the teacher so they went to the beach.

The teacher sat under the sunshine, went in the began Sea and the teenagers played in the fine sand, in a deep pit , because one of them said that it will be fun . They book a selfie and posted they ‘re photos on face-book. But the return had its adventures . They had to stay at the customs for a long time, but they were happy when they arrived home.

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